Yeah…I’m still here. So, I started my PhD program two years ago (….hmmm maybe three….no I think I actually started four years ago…wait...three..idk...any way) through an online university. I loved the environment. The people I took classes with were wonderful. They brought such a wealth of knowledge with them. I know I would have never met such a diverse group of people had I been in a traditional face to face program. The professors were masters of their domain. They mastered their subject matter, online education, and the adult student (I had one really bad instructor but who hasn’t). So why am I not enrolled right now? It has nothing to do with finances (well sorta but not really); nothing to do with the course work (while it was abundant, it was all relevant and necessary for busy work there) and; nothing to do with the professors (top notch in my book). So why, why, why am I not enrolled?
Well, I had it out with my academic advisor. I mean it wasn’t pretty. I didn’t take the issue to the director, I don’t know why. However, I do know that I would have in a face to face situation. When I finally was ready to return, I had missed a very important deadline. Because I missed it, I had to jump through hoops. I was highly upset and decided I would not jump through anyone’s hoops but my own.
Now, let’s really examine the situation. Had this been a face to face environment, I would have resolved the issue before it escalated. I chose not to. In missing my deadline I placed myself in a category that I shouldn’t have been in but only I could change. The university did everything in its power outside of visiting me at home or at work. I went back through my emails to prove they hadn’t done due diligence and of course there were regular emails, emails with subjects in all caps, emails in bright colors, emails marked urgent; all reminding me of my deadline. Not to mention I actually read most of them…further reason to place the blame squarely on me. I received several letters (yes actual paper in the mail) as well as a slew of phone calls. They did more work to get me to fill in a few check boxes (yes… all of this because I didn’t fill in a few check boxes) then they did to get me to enroll
The whole point of this story is not to wear my “stupid” badge but to openly confess that I miss school (such a dork) and to spread the word that online education is a wonderful opportunity. Some institutions actually go above and beyond to reach their students (far more than many traditional universities). Finally I am confessing that the college, while I was originally upset for something that could have been resolved, did nothing wrong. I however did nothing until it was too late. So now I must pick up the pieces of my educational puzzle and put it back together. Maybe this time next year I’ll be saying “My first name ain’t baby. It’s Kelly…Dr. Showard if you’re nasty (total Janet Jackson flashback, I aged myself right there…definitely laughing on the inside). Until next time.