So have you ever wanted to just give up? Throw your hands in the air and run for the hills? I had a moment just like that yesterday. My day was wonderful. I had a positive mental attitude all day. I helped a friend out and she ended up helping me out in the end. I bought a few groceries for the kiddies and even a snack for me and the hubs. My contract is running smoothly and the business is looking good. So, what could have pushed me over the edge? It wasn’t the random socks on the floor, unfolded clean clothes or a kid’s heavy book bag (which lives on the ground outside and on the bus) on the couch. It wasn’t the other kid’s inability to fold up a blanket before they left (they’re a teenager quite capable of folding a blanket). All of these things made our small house look like vagabond city. None of it bothered me. The culprit? Our cat…
Animals are ok. I don’t think they should be treated better than humans but they are still worthy of our love and respect. I do however believe that respect is earned and I have lost all respect for my cat. I recently left my old position in the “world” to focus on my business eye90. I’m working on my first contract and things are going well. Well…when I left my old job, I brought home my beautiful jungle of plants that I had accumulated over the years. People started calling my random mix of greenery “the orphanage.” If you had a plant that was needy or you just didn’t have a place for, you dropped them off with me. Now, I don’t have a green thumb but I have taken care of these plants for years. One of which is a plant I got from my grandmother years ago before she passed. THE CAT ATE MOST OF THE PLANTS. I have never felt such anguish…well except when I lost a part of my thesis.
Our sweet cat, which I was dying to get and now can completely live without, apparently loves ALL of the little leaves. After I cried (literally) over the loss of one plant and the major wounds to the others, I moved them to my room. Unfortunately, no one else will benefit from their beauty but they are out of reach from Attila the Hun.
Yes that's a picture of our cat Sunnyside aka cat.