Thursday, October 28, 2010

I said I would never run

OMG so I'm totally running (uh jog/walking) in the Turkey Trot here in Buffalo. It's the longest running race of it's kind. I think this is year 115. I am sooo scared. The closer I get to race day the more afraid I get. I'm on the mill, working on my core...But, I'm a big girl. I have always been "overweight" but I recently realized that I have become out of shape too (rugby was clearly a loooooong time ago).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Never Say Never

So I said that I would never write a blog. What original thoughts would I have? What words could land me in serious hot water? How in the heck would I find the time to actually keep up with something like this. Finally, how random can I make a blog that would still engage people from diverse backgrounds.