Thursday, December 16, 2010

Never make New Year's resolutions

OK guys and gals, let’s be honest, how many of you have kept New Year’s resolutions?  I’ll wait….. OK so that one guy there in the back says he keeps his resolutions.  I wonder if that means he doesn’t make any.  Or he makes up something simple like "I will eat good (as in delish not healthy) food this year". How much stress do we put on ourselves to lose 20lbs, stop swearing, go to the gym, be nicer to people, dust more often or, keep your shoes organized? Yes, those are things that should be on my resolution list but I don’t have one. As of the past few years I have never added or created a list of things to do for the new year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never forget, perseverance is a four letter word!

So..The Trot was hot!!  No really, I was hot as...well...I was hot.  It was cold outside but listening to the advice of my lovely YOUNGER brother I had on too many layers.  I must say, right after stripping before the race started, I didn't think I was going to make it.  I trained hard for about 4 days total and didn't think my body was going to let me go the distance. 

I jogged straight almost to the one mile mark.  SURPRISED AS ALL H.E. DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS (um..that's "hell" if you didn't know)!!  (side note: Actually I have no idea if I jogged that far.  I think I did but it just doesn't seem possible that I made it that far without walking. Maybe I made it to the first block without walking, that seems more reasonable.  Back to the story...) I tried real hard to make it to the 1 mile marker but I couldn't hold out. As I approached the 2 mile mark I got excited because I knew that when we made it to the 3 mile mark, the race was more than half over.  It wasn't until the four mile mark that things changed.