Thursday, October 28, 2010

I said I would never run

OMG so I'm totally running (uh jog/walking) in the Turkey Trot here in Buffalo. It's the longest running race of it's kind. I think this is year 115. I am sooo scared. The closer I get to race day the more afraid I get. I'm on the mill, working on my core...But, I'm a big girl. I have always been "overweight" but I recently realized that I have become out of shape too (rugby was clearly a loooooong time ago).
I don't want to be the last person to cross the finish line. I already feel like crying because I might not make it. It's only 8k. I can totally do that!!! Right???

Yesterday while I was training, I wasn't winded at all. I was practically singing songs and talking to my husband which means that I could have been going faster, the problem was my legs. The dang things wouldn't go any faster. I would rather walk the whole thing and cross the finish line than to be the fat girl that fell a part during the race. BUT I don't wanna be the fat girl that crossed the line last either. Total craziness right? CINDY WHY DID YOU ASK ME AND WHY DID I SAY YES??????

There are people that I know that run marathons...and race these "short races" all the time for for practice. This is a life changer right here. 8k is nothing to laugh at...for me that is. WTH am I supposed to do? I know that all I can do is practice and not cry. Oh jeez. I am ready but not ready. I know it's all a matter of the mind. My mind right now is trippin. I am going to pick my mental self and roll with the punches.

So today, as I sit here reading a magazine my running coworker brought me, I find myself on the verge of tears. I have committed myself to this thing. I have told everyone in creation just to make myself accountable. Otherwise I know I would have backed out by now. I have exactly 4 weeks till d-day.


  1. Kelly,
    You are going to be fine. We will do this together. Remember I had MAJOR surgery in June...I'm not in any kind of running shape either. You can do this. I will be there for you during the race. WE WILL MAKE IT THRU TO THE END! Don't worry, we will not be last...and even if we are, that is know why? because WE FINISHED!

  2. You can totally do this! I have seen you put your mind to thinkg in the past and be stubborn as whell until you have accomplished them! You got this girl!

  3. With the race a week away I just want to share with you my race mantra. Whether you walk or run tell yourself "I am faster than anyone sitting on their couch"

  4. Dude I did it in 1:13. I am shooting for 50mn next year. I know that is a lofty goal but if I can do 1:13 with no training, I can certainly knock of 20mins with a year to train. It's the training part that is going to take some getting used to.
