OK I do think I can do anything I put my mind to. However, at what point do you start to realize you are human? My alter ego is totally She-Ra, Princess of Power. You know...He-Man's secret sister he found out about after a couple of seasons...
I'm talking about everything from helping my friend move a two bedroom house (stove, fridge, washer, etc.). Just the two of us. To something simple as putting together the two walls of my cube at work. I could have called maintenance to do it for me but why take them a way from what they have to do? (Uh..what they have to do is put stuff together like my mini wall). I however don't see it like that. I am self-sufficient. I grew up in a single parent household and my mom taught my brother and I to be able to take care of ourselves and each other. So if that means I have to push my car down the street because it broke down, I'll do it. Then I will save my AAA for when I'm stuck on the highway or something.
My other alter alter ego is the Incredible Hulk. Not the actual Hulk and not Dr. Banner either. That in between state where you are holding all together (And only the Edward Norton Hulk. He was hot). There is a delicate balance that one needs to have before you end up in a chaotic situation. I guess there is a correlation between the two. I identify with characters with t

Have I learned that I can't do it all? Yes. Mostly because I can't really walk all that well after running and getting ready for that 8k that's coming up. I think I can only make it to the corner again. My back hurts, my butt hurts, my shoulder hurts....I think my running and walking mates think I'm in better shape that I am. I think they will be pleasantly or not too pleasantly surprised come Thanksgiving. HA HA. Oh fun times. I will however make it across that finish line. I don't know if I will be crawling or not. I'm going to save my last bit of energy to run across the finish line in a big burst of energy like I had been running that fast the whole time. I won't be fooling anyone. It's just the thought of running across the finish line.
OH Handy Smurf and Lion-o were pretty sweet too.

Please accept my personal testimony as Superwoman that you can do it all but its wise not to if you dont have to. One of the greatest parts of totally evolving as a leader is knowing how to deligate. There are actually legions of angels and lots of humans who have a desire to help just waiting for you to ask. We can do it all if necessary but sometimes it is....and sometimes its not. Never leave home without your cape though!
ReplyDeleteSuperwoman...well said. Luckily my cape is tucked away somewhere in my regular clothes. It mysteriously appears right when I need it.